
Thank You

I would like to thank my mom and dad for taking in three kids from another country and putting all of their heart and soul into us. I have learned so many things from you. Thank you for standing by my side when I needed you. There have been times that I may not have been the best daughter but you both never pushed me away. Thank you for loving me as much as you do. You both are great parents. I could not as for better ones. I love you both very much.

Brendan, you are the best brother that I sister can have. Thank you so much for watching out for me. I know that I can count on you no matter what. You are always there to get me out of a mess. If it that my car will not start you let me use yours, or if I need something to be hooked up, or just to talk to someone. I also want to thank you for taking care of my tow boys that means the world to me. Thank you for being the brother that everyone wishes that they could have. I love you with everything that I have. You are the Best.

Elizabeth, you are the only sister that I have and the best one as well. I know that during our childhood we have had our ups and downs but you still are my sister. I love you very much. Every chance that I get to hang out with you I take it. I know that if I need to talk to someone that I can go to you. You have always looked out for me when I was having difficult times. Thank you for just being you and making me laugh anytime that we are together. Es milu tevi masa.

Grandma, you are such a wonderful grandmother. I feel very blessed to have you in my life. In all the years that I have lived hear I have learned a lot from you. Each and every time that I am around you I learned something new from you. You are a very hard working person. The one thing that I love about you is that there is almost nothing that can stop you from doing what you want to. I love you very much and thank you for all the life lessons that you have taught me. I am looking forward to learning new things from you.

Grandpa, I would like to thank you for being a wonderful grandpa to me. Thank you for teaching me to play hearts, bridge, uno, phase ten, and all the other games. Ever since the first day that I met you in the airport you have had smile on your face. I have truly enjoyed all the time that I have spent with you. You are an amazing man. I know that you are not with us but you are and will always be in my heart. I love you and miss you very much.

Grandma Bratcher, I am not sure where to start with you. First and far most I just want to tell you that you are an inspiration to me. Thank you for being a great grandma. Thank you for all the cards and gifts that you have sent me through out the years. The best gift that I have received is your love. I am so glad that you are here with us in TN. Every time that I go and see you, you are always smiling. You are also a very strong women. Thank you for just being in my life. I love you dearly.

Scot, thank you so much for being my best friend and my soul mate. Thank you for putting up with me for the last year and a half. I know that there have been times that you did not want to be around me. Thank you for having faith, trust, and hope in me. I also want to thank you for just listening to me when I needed it. Anytime that there is something that I am going through, you have open arms and you are ready to just hold me and let me know that everything is going to be o.k. Thank you for just being you. I love you with everything that I have.

I also want to thank all of Scots side of the family. I could not ask for a better family then you guys. Thank you so much for dealing with my weird habits. Thank you for trusting me that I would not hurt Scot in any way. Thank you so much for opening your arms to me and welcoming me in to your family. I feel really grateful to be part of your family. I love you all very much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love you too!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!