
CHRISTmas time

I know that is has been a while since I have blogged. I have had no time to get on and post anything so now I am going to update it.
Let me start with Friday. Friday I went to work even though I was not feeling that good. Later on that evening I went with my brother to get rest of the Christmas shopping done. On my way home I stopped at Food Lion to get some stuff for Saturday dinner. Once I got home I went ahead and cut up the tomato and cucumbers that I needed for the salad. Once I was done with that, I got Scot to help me wrap some gifts.. I think that we finally went to bed sometime after midnight.
Saturday morning Garrett woke us up at 6:45 a.m. to see what he got from Santa. He was really excited when he saw that he got a new bike. Once he was done opening gifts that Santa brought him he opened up more gifts that were from Scot and I. I was feeling really bad still so I went back to bed and stayed in bed till about 2 p.m. Then it was time for me to get ready for rest of the Wright family to come over to Nana's for family time and a dinner. Once everyone got done eating we all gathered in the living room to open gifts. That was a full room. I was amazed that all the gifts and all of us could fit in there. The kids opened up their gifts first. Then Nana and Pa opened up theirs, then Mamaw and Papaw opened theirs. The parents waited last to open their gifts. Scot and Joy took some great pictures. When I get the chance I will post them on here. After all the gifts were unwrapped it was time for some dessert and relaxing time. I think that everyone started leaving around 8:30 p.m. But, Joy, Chad, Scot, and I stayed up till about midnight just talking in the kitchen..That was fun.
Sunday morning Scot, Garrett and I had to get ready and go to my parents house for a wonderful brunch that my mom made. I have pictures from then too, I will post them when I get them together.. Garrett got another gift from my parents. My grandma Maier was there so she opened up hers because for the first time in a long time she had to work Christmas day. We got done over there around 12:30 p.m. Scot, Garrett and I went to my brothers house after that to see his pup Ginger. We got back to Nana's sometime around 1:45 p.m. The rest of the family was there again to enjoy some really good food. I was not feeling good still, so I went upstairs and crawled into bed. I woke up sometime after 5. Lets see what else did we do after that. I think that Scot and Garrett played some video games and I stayed in bed..We finally crawled into bed around 11 p.m. again.
Monday Scot woke up early to play with Garrett before he had to go home with Lisa. She picked him up around 9:00 a.m. Then Scot and I got ready again and went to my parents house to have Christmas lunch with them and open more gifts. My sister was able to make it. Even though she had people calling her and asking her to go in for them. She told them that she couldn't because she wanted to spend time with her family. That meant a lot to me... Brendan, Lizz, Scot, and I played SKIPO till lunch was ready. Once we got done eating, I helped mom with the dishes. Then it was time to go in the living room and open gifts. I want to thank all my family for the wonderful gifts that Scot and I received from all of you. We love you guys.. I took a few pics. Once we got done with that mom, Brendan, Scot, and I went to MTMC to see my grandma and wish her a Merry Christmas. She was surprised to see us. I know that it made her day. After we got done visiting with her we went back home and played another round of SKIPO. My brother won that game. Scot and I left my parents place around 6:010 p.m. and went to see some friends of ours. We wen to see Mike Bain and Tiff.. We did not stay there long because Scot had to get home and get some sleep. He has to work the next morning.
Yesterday, Scot got up at 6:00 a.m. and went to work. I could only sleep in till about 8 a.m. I got dressed and went to Sonic and picked up some food for Scot and Carl.. Then I drove to Murfreesboro to go SALE shopping with my brother and sister..Scot called later on that morning telling me that he was off for the rest of the day. So when I got done in Murfreesboro I met up with him at the Walpers. Then he and I drove back to Murfreesboro and went shopping with my sis. The three of us went to IHOP, then to Hobby Town. (Yup, Scot spent his gift card that Charlie got him.) Then off to Target where I got a few scrap booking stuff with the gift card that my sister gave me. Then we went to Hobby Lobby and I got a new scrapbook kit with a gift card that my wonderful sister-in-law Joy gave me. (Thank you very much Joy). Then Scot and I went to Heather and Philips to have a wonderful dinner. Scot and I finally got home around 9 p.m. It was time for us to crawl into bed and get some sleep before we had to get up and go to work this morning. So that is how my last few days have been. I know that it is a little long. I hope that I did not keep you bored..
I just want to say thank you to everyone that has touched my life. The best thing out of the past few days was that I was able to spend a lot of time with my Wright and Bratcher families. I love you all very much.
I will post my pictures hopefully sometime tomorrow...Sorry that you have to wait...

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