
Too Long.....

I know that is has been a long time since I have been on here. I just want to let everyone know that I have a new job. I am working at Draughons Junior College as a Director of First Impressions. Today is my first day here. I just want to say thank you to everyone that kept me in their prayers.

In the last few weeks a few things have happened. I had the most beautiful wedding I could ask for. Everything went perfect. This past weekend we went to Scots family reunion at Standing Stone. It was so peaceful there. Scot, Garrett, and I got there Friday in the afternoon sometime. Once everyone got there, Scot, Charlie, Mathew, and I decided to go fishing for a little bit. I ended up catching seven fish. Scot caught one. Matthew and Charlie had no hits. I enjoyed it so much that Saturday morning I decided to go fishing again with Charlie, Scot, and Larry. We got on the lake at 5:30a.m. We stayed out till about 10:15 a.m. I only caught one fish. Thats was o.k. with me. I really enjoyed the morning. I never thought that fishing could be so much fun. The whole weekend was wonderful.

I just wanted to let yall know that I am still here. Have a wonderful rest of the afternoon.


Basketball Banquet

Chuck E Cheese

Too much on one plate...

I had a wonderful weekend spending time with Scot and Garrett..Thursday night we picked up Garrett after his baseball practice.

Friday the church took the kids to Chuck E Cheese..It was fun..Garrett ended up leaving there with 1,156 tickets. He decided that he wants to save them so that he can get something bigger the next time that he is there. We left Chuck E Cheese at like 9:30 that night. It was worth it though. Toni and I took some pictures of everyone having fun. I will post them when I get the chance..

Saturday, Scot and Garrett went to AfterHours to get Garrett fitted for a tux. After that Garrett had baseball practice at 1:30p.m. Scot and Garrett had to leave practice a litte early so both of them could get home and clean up for Garrett's basketball banquet that was at 5:30p.m. Then it was time to drive back to Nashville to go the the banquet. Garrett got a trophy for his team being number one in his league. I have pictures of that as well, they will be posted when I get the chance..I decided to stay home Saturday so that I could get the laundry done and cleaning done as well..

Sunday morning Scot and I went to church. After church Larry, Toni, Emmy, Joy, Chad, Scot, Leslie, Charlie, CJ, Meagan, Mathew, and I went to eat at the Rockin' Chair for lunch. It was the first time for Scot and I to eat there..I am not sure what to think of that place. LOL...Garrett was at home sick. After we left the Rockin' Chair Scot and I went home to check on Garrett. Garrett had the stomach junk. He was throwing up constantly..Poor boy.. You could tell he was not feeling good at all. I had to run to Davids Bridal to pick up my shoes..When I got home Scot and I just stayed with Garrett to make sure that he got what he needed..That night we went to bed exhausted..

Monday Scot and I both woke up not feeling good. I threw up that morning and my stomach was hurting me really bad. So I knew that I might have just caught what Garrett had. So I stayed in bed all day. Scot went to work in the morning but ended up coming home later on.. He was not feeling good either.. Garrett on the other hand was feeling much better..So basically Monday was a day of REST and that's it...That night Nana was not feeling that well either..I hope that she is feeling better now..

Tuesday I decided to go back to work and so did Scot..When I get to work I see a few resumes that my boss left on my desk. So I ask him about it. And I get the news that they will no longer need me here 5 days a week..And that they are looking for someone that can just work on Saturdays. I am shocked because he told me that he and the owner of the business have been talking about it for a couple of weeks. And I just now find out about it. So now I am looking for another job..This is a chance for me to find a job that has health insurance and other benefits. So my last day to work is on Friday.. Last night Scot, Lizz, Brendan, Lauren, and I ate at O'Charleys. Then Lizz, Lauren, Scot, and I went to Kohls to look at some shoes for the bridesmaids..We found one pair that might work..But we are going to keep looking. After Kohls Scot and I went back to Laurens house and just catched up with everything that is going on in our lives. Scot and I left her place at like 9:30p.m. So we got home around 10p.m. and just crawled into bed..That is about it..I hope that this did not bore you guys.. Have a wonderful rest of the morning...


Valentine's Day

This past Valentines day Scot bought me a wedding band that I have been wanting. Scot and I had such a hard time find a band that would fit my antique ring. This one is perfect. Thank you baby so much. I love you with all of my heart...

New Addiction

This is my new addiction.. I love it.. This stuff is just like yogurt but it is really light and smooth.. Yummy Yummy..


Sweet Abby

Nana had Abby last night. Here is Abby helping Nana stir the sweet tea.


Clarksdale, MS

This past weekend was a long one for Scot and I...Saturday I drove to Murfreesboro to get some of the wedding stuff done. While I was in town, my mom calls me and tells me that my grandmother has been taken to the hospital..So I decide to get back to Nana&Pa's house and take a shower and go see her. Well I am almost home and my mom calls me again and tells me that she has bad new. "Grandma Died".. So the first thing I do is call my sis and let her know what has just happened. When I get home I tell Scot that grandma has passed away. I curl up in his lap and just cry.. After a little while I decided to take a shower anyway and head back into town. Well Scot was at Ginger's for about 4 hours fixing her sink and stuff. While I waited for Scot to get back home I played with Hailey and Gracie.Once Scot got home, it started raining and thundering. But Scot and I decided to go eat at Logan's that night. It was so nice just to sit down with him and just talk.. Once we got home from Logan's we headed for bed.. Garrett, Hailey, and Gracie were in bed already..

Sunday morning Scot and I went to church for the first time in a long time, the service was wonderful. After church Scot and I stayed busy. We had to clean the car, pack, and do laundry. Plus find the time to print the wedding invitations..So that was a really busy day. I did not get to finish packing. We ended up going to bed late.

Monday morning Scot got up at 5:30 a.m. and cleaned out the Jeep. I got up around 6:45 a.m. and finished our packing.. We got on the road to head to Mississippi at 8 a.m. sharp.. We hit a little traffic but that was it.. We got to our motel in Clarksdale around 12:45 p.m. We dropped out stuff in our room and went to Sub-Way to get some lunch. Once our bellies were full we took a nap. Then it was time for us to get ready for the visitation. the visitation was from 5-7 p.m. After the visitation we went to my Aunt Betty Sues House for dinner. Then Scot and I had to run into Wal*Mart because I forgot to pack him another dress shirt..LOL...

Tuesday Morning Scot got up and had breakfast and went for a run. I woke up and met my brother for breakfast. After breakfast we had about 2 hours before we needed to get ready for the funeral. So Scot and I played Monopoly... Scot kicked my butt for the first time. We had a lunch at 12:30 p.m. that was prepared by the church ladies where we were having the funeral service. The funeral service was at 2 p.m. It was short and sweet. After the funeral Scot and I went back to my Aunt Betty's House and changed into more comfortable clothes. Then we said out good byes and headed back to TN. My brother and Captain Jack were in a separate car but we left at the same time. So we just stayed together. Later in the evening we stopped in at Cracker Barrell and had some dinner. Then it was time to get back on the road again and get home. Scot and I got home around 10:30 p.m. last night. The only thing that I did was bring in the bags and crawl into bed...
And here I am at work today.. :)

**** I just want to thank you all that have thought about us and prayed for me and my family. It means a lot to us. Thank you very much. I love you all.*****


To all..


I just want to say thank you to everyone that has prayed for me and my family. My grandma is back the the nursing home. As you know, she broke her hip last week,but we also found out that she has a cracked collarbone. It is going to take a while for her to heal. But she has family that will support her each and every day.

This past Saturday Scot and I were on our way to go see a friend of ours. We took Jefferson Pike. On our way there was saw a police car and another car that was stuck in the ditch. Scot slowed down in his jeep and we asked if they needed any help. They said yes. No one there had rope or chain that we could hook up behind Scots Jeep and pull them out. So we waited for a friend of the victims to bring some rope. Once we got the rope, Scot tied it behind the SUV and his Jeep. We slowly pulled them out. Once they were out they thanked us. It is such a great feeling to help someone out. The roads were pretty bad that night.. Scot and I slid on black ice at least once.

I hope that you all have a wonderful rest of the day. I love you all!!!!



myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Hey guys how are you? I know that I have not been on here for a while. I just got some news from my brother. My grandmother that is 100 years old fell this morning around 3 a.m. and broke her hip. She is at the hospital right now. They are not going to do surgery due to her age. Which means that she will not walk ever again. So please pray for me and my family.

Also keep Leslie in your prayers she is not feeling good at all...

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics


Special Day

Image provided by PurrFX.com

I love my family and friends with all of my heart.
and I would like to wish a
Image provided by PurrFX.com
to JOHN. We love you and miss you very much!!!



myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics
to Leslie. She is now Creative Memories Consultant. I know that you will be great..Could not ask for a better consultant and teacher..


Yesterday after work I got to hang out with a friend of mine that I have known for awhile..Her name is Lauren Hunkapiller..We went out to eat at Demos' and then went home and made some smores in her living room. I had a great time. I finally got home around 10:15p.m. It was just nice to catch up with her and see how she was doing...Lauren you are the best. Love you....


The greatest..

myspace codes

These are the Best sister-in-laws that you could ever have..I just want to thank all of you for everything that you have done and keep doing in my life. I am very lucky to have them in my life. I love you all very much..



I know that is has been a while since I have done a blog. So I found some time to do it. Lets see...On Friday night I met up with some gals at a Scrap Booking Party in Murfreesboro. I had fun..I know that I would like to do one sometime..I left there about 9p.m. Then Scot and I met up with Misty, Shorty, Scott, and William at Yates. I played a few games of darts..After a few hours Scot and I went home to get some sleep..

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Saturday, Scot and I went to AfterHours..A tuxedo place. We picked out the tux that he like and Scot got measured for the tux. Philip met us there..After we got done there we walked around for a little bit. Then we headed to Gree Hills Mall. I needed to go macy's to find some bridesmaid dresses. When we got there I found out that Macy's does not carry bridal stuff. :(..Scot, Philip and I got hungry so we went to eat at Cheeseburger Charley's. Heather had mentioned that place to us. It was really good. For dessert we went to The Cheesecake Factory. It was the first time for Scot and I. It was really nice. I had to take some pictures...After that we were ready to go home. Later that evening Scot and I met up with Carl and his girl Jess at Coconut bay Cafe..We just sat and talked for a while. It was my first time meeting Carl. Carl works with Scot..Once Coconut Bay Cafe got crowded we decided to go to Shorty's place. We sat around and just talked..It was fun...

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Sunday, Scot and I ran up to Murfreesboro to the mall to see if I could find some more dresses..Not luck. So we drove to davids Bridal again to see if they had anything..No luck again...So we decided just to go home and relax..I did some laundry while Scot watched some T.V...Thats all for now..What a weekend...


To: Joy

I hope that you have a wonderful day today. I hope you like these
two pictures. LOL...I love you..


My pages so far..

Here are three pages that I have done so far. The more supplies that I get the more pages I will make. This is an addictive hobby. Once you start you don't want to stop. Just keep in mind that these are my first pages and they may not look that good.
This page is of Scot and I
This one is my cat Kicker..

My other cat Trip..


New Years Eve

Sunday late afternoon Scot and I went over to Heather and Philips. Here are some pics from the night..Abby was having a lot of fun bouncing the the guys bellies...It was so cute..

Bouncing on Uncle Fots Belly.. Here she is bouncing on her daddy's belly..

She is a pirate... Don't let her go...LOL

Abby being a Santa and Uncle Here she is Santa again and it
Fot sitting in her lap telling her is Mommy's turn to tell her
what he would like for X-mas .
what she would like for X-Mas

Later on that night we went to Coconut Bay Cafe and met up with some of Scots friends.

This is Jess. Scot has known her
for many years...

This is Jason, a really good
friend of Scots. They have
been friends for a very long
time as well..