
Just sayin thanks..

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Here is Uncle Fot watching his niece Abby draw and color. She thanks him, by giving Uncle Fot shooger. It looks like someone has a favorite uncle. LOL

Garrett looks like....

Scot looks like.....

I look Like...



My weekend was wonderful. Lets see, Friday Scot and I made dinner for Nana, Pa, CJ, Megan, and Mathew. We made Taco's. Garrett went to a High School football game with some of his buddies. He did not get home till about 11.40p.m. I went to bed around 10p.m.
Saturday morning I had to get up early to get ready for Garretts baseball game. He had a game at 10 a.m. I thought that it would stay cool most of the morning but I was wrong. Mathew came with us as well. So it was Scot, Garrett, Mathew and myself. We got to the fields 20 minutes till 10. We placed our three seat chair in the shade thinking that it would keep us cool. WRONG, I had a cap on and sat in the shady part of the bleacher section. When we got back to Nana's I went to see if I got any sun and I was burned. Especially on my shoulders and my face. This league does not keep the score so I am guessing that Garretts team won the game. Garrett was a great sport. He was the catcher for most of the game. In the first few innings Garrett hurt his right arm. So he sat out an inning and had ice on it. I was not sure if he was going to get back on the field. But he did. His arm felt much better after he had the ice pack on it for a little while. Garrett is a great catcher for his age. I think that, he has found his favorite position in baseball.
When we got back to Nana's I took a shower and Scot and I went to eat at O'Charleys. Then we got back to Nana's and worked on Scots room again. Plus we got stuff together for the yard sale that Nana is having this week. Then it was my time to go home and get into bed.
Sunday, I got up and met Scot at Nana's. We went to church that morning. After church Garrett went with Uncle Phillip, Aunt Pooh, and Abby to Chuck E Cheese for a birthday party. While Garrett was there, Scot and I went shopping. The weird things is, we barely spent any money or saw anything that interested us. Once we were done shopping we went to Pooh's house and picked up Garrett and took him back to Nana's. By then it was time for Garrett to take a shower and get ready for bed. I left Nana's around 8 p.m. I was getting really tired. So that was my weekend. LOL. I hope that all of you had a great weekend as well and got to spend it with your loved ones.
Mr. Chad BoivinThis picture was taken at Family Reunion 2005



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This is Brandon and his lil brother Brett. They are my cousins from my mom side of the family. They live in Iowa.

Important News!!!!

The New Partners for "Dancing with Stars" 2006
Joy, I thought that you might get a kick out of this. I think that you guys could actually win the competition. LOL. I love you.

Mind Game

Here is a game that might make you use your brain. As you can see there are nine dots below this paragraph. Your goal is to connect these nine dots with only FOUR lines. But there are a fewthings that you need to know. First, you might want to copy this on a sheet of paper. Then start using your brain. HeHe. There are two rules that you must keep in mind when you are doing this. Rule #1. Once you have drawn a line in which everway you did, you may NOT retrace the line. (Go backwards) Rule #2. Once you have placed your pen or pencil on the dot that you want to start with, you can NOT pick up the pen or pencil until you are done with the puzzle. Or when you give up. Thats all that there is to this thinking game. Have fun with it.







Good morning everyone, how are
you doing? The reason that I am doing a blog this morning is because I would
like to ask you if you could please pray for Nana. Yesterday I went over there
after work, which around 5p.m. I walked in the house and saw Nana asleep on the
couch. That already told me that she was not feeling good. Then she ended up
going to bed. You know that Nana is sick when you don't see her doing something
constantly. So please pray that she gets to feeling better. I saw her this
morning and asked her how she was feeling, she is still not feeling good at all. Also keep Scot in prayers as well. This past weekend he had a really bad sinus unfection. He is almost done with it, but some of his body is still hurting really bad. Especially him working in houses lifting heavy equipment. I don't know how Scot is able to work in this heat, I know that I am proud of him. He is following something that he has set his mind on.
I think that there is a bug that is going around. I think that I have caught is
as well, I have been feeling really bad since last night. So watch out for the
BUG. Hehe. Have a wonderful rest of the day. Don't stop smiling.


Let's Play Ball

Hey yall how are you doing? I am doing alright, not feeling that well. Today was a long day for Scot and I. Scot went to eat with Heather, Abby, and Phillip at Shoneys this morning around 8a.m. Then I met up with Scot at 11 a.m. at Nana's. From there we got ready and went to Garrett's baseball game that started at 12:30p.m. It was too hot out there today to let the little kids play. Scot and I felt miserable in the hot heat, there was wind now and then but could not keep us cool. But the only thing that mattered was that we were there to watch and support Garrett. Towards then end of the game the sun came out. So then it was time for Scot and I to find some shade. We finally left around 2p.m. We are not sure which team won, I think it was Garrett's team. They did not use a score board. Garrett did an awesome job. He played catcher and first base. He also scored a run. When Scot and I got back to Nana's we took a two hour nap. Scot has not been feeling good at all today. We think that he has really bad sinus infection. He has had a headache all day today. Hopefully he is going to bed really soon, so that he can get some decent sleep. I am tired as well. I guess that I am going to get off this blog and go get some sleep. Have a great rest of the night. Don't stop smiling.


Who Am I?

Can anyone guess what I am?

I am a Fupersarrrrrr!

2 Good Looking

Good afternoon, I just thought to share this picture with everyone. Hopefully it will make you SMILE.


Here is Garrett holding Scot's cat named Trip. This is the only picture that I could get a hold of. Eventually I will get a better picture. When we got the kittens we could not figure out what we would name them, so we just watched them. Well Scot and I told each other that it was a "trip" watching this kitten because he was doing anything and everything. He has the weirdest mood swings. So we came up with the name Trip. This cat is the most loving and needing cat I have ever had. He has to be around you at all times, if you don't pet him or give him your attention he will jump in your lap. This is the best lap cat to have, the only problem is that when he is laying inyour lap, he tends to bring out his claws while he is asleep. Everyone that has seen our cats, they tend to give their attention more to this one. But I know that Nana like Kicker. LOL. The one thing that I have learned about cats is that if you plan on getting one cat, you are better off getting two cats so that they can keep each other company. Kicker and Trip are brothers and that is why we got both of them. They still wash each other and sleep bnext to each other. The cool thing about these two boys is that they were born the day that Scot and I started dating.



This is "Kicker" he is my cat, and the reason that I named him that is because when he was a kitten he would kick his brother anytime they played together. He is bigger then a regular cat but he also is a big baby when it come to getting attention. Everyone must focus on him. See he is looking at you right now. HEHE. My brother calls him a dog. That is because whenever some of our friends or family try to pet him he throws back an attitude or hisses at you. Especially with my brother. As of right now though Kicker is living with my brother, hopefully they will get some bonding time together and learn to get along. Kicker might just starting watching Brendans door for strangers. LOL

Someone Special

Here is a picture of Scot and I. Some of you might not know how we met so I am going to tell you a little story. Scot and I met April 17th, 2005 at his work. At that time he was working at Stampedes as a bouncer. I was there because my sister wanted to go and drink. I chose to drive her home that night after she got done having fun. While I was watching over my sister, I met Scot through a friend. A few minutes later Scot asked me to go out on a date and I looked at him and just laughed it off. I thought that he was just flirting with me. Later on that night we kept running into each other, and that is when I realized that there is something about him that I could not figure out. Well right before the bar closed Scot tried one more time, and this time he asked me to go 4-wheeling with him the next morning with some of his buddies. I thought about it and decided why not. I have never gone 4 wheeling, this might be a great experience. Well ever since our first date we have been inseparable. He is the love of my life. I never knew that I would meet a special someone like him. You know how people in the past have told you that you will find the right person when you are not looking, well that is what happened to both of us. Neither of us was looking to be in serious relationship. Both of us were just looking for new people to get to know and hang out with. And now I have become the luckiest girl in the world, because I get to marry him and spend the rest of my life with him. I hope that this story did not bore you.


First Day

Good Afternoon YA'll. How are you? I am doing good, just sitting at work waiting for the clock to strike 5 and I am out of there. I was talking to Joy earlier and she had mentioned to me that I should create a blogg, so here it is. I know that is plain right now but once I get more time to work on it I will make it look much better. Well I guess that I am going to go for now, Joy- please try not to stick your finger up your nose LOL. Have a wonderful rest of the afternoon.