

My weekend was wonderful. Lets see, Friday Scot and I made dinner for Nana, Pa, CJ, Megan, and Mathew. We made Taco's. Garrett went to a High School football game with some of his buddies. He did not get home till about 11.40p.m. I went to bed around 10p.m.
Saturday morning I had to get up early to get ready for Garretts baseball game. He had a game at 10 a.m. I thought that it would stay cool most of the morning but I was wrong. Mathew came with us as well. So it was Scot, Garrett, Mathew and myself. We got to the fields 20 minutes till 10. We placed our three seat chair in the shade thinking that it would keep us cool. WRONG, I had a cap on and sat in the shady part of the bleacher section. When we got back to Nana's I went to see if I got any sun and I was burned. Especially on my shoulders and my face. This league does not keep the score so I am guessing that Garretts team won the game. Garrett was a great sport. He was the catcher for most of the game. In the first few innings Garrett hurt his right arm. So he sat out an inning and had ice on it. I was not sure if he was going to get back on the field. But he did. His arm felt much better after he had the ice pack on it for a little while. Garrett is a great catcher for his age. I think that, he has found his favorite position in baseball.
When we got back to Nana's I took a shower and Scot and I went to eat at O'Charleys. Then we got back to Nana's and worked on Scots room again. Plus we got stuff together for the yard sale that Nana is having this week. Then it was my time to go home and get into bed.
Sunday, I got up and met Scot at Nana's. We went to church that morning. After church Garrett went with Uncle Phillip, Aunt Pooh, and Abby to Chuck E Cheese for a birthday party. While Garrett was there, Scot and I went shopping. The weird things is, we barely spent any money or saw anything that interested us. Once we were done shopping we went to Pooh's house and picked up Garrett and took him back to Nana's. By then it was time for Garrett to take a shower and get ready for bed. I left Nana's around 8 p.m. I was getting really tired. So that was my weekend. LOL. I hope that all of you had a great weekend as well and got to spend it with your loved ones.

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