

Here is Garrett holding Scot's cat named Trip. This is the only picture that I could get a hold of. Eventually I will get a better picture. When we got the kittens we could not figure out what we would name them, so we just watched them. Well Scot and I told each other that it was a "trip" watching this kitten because he was doing anything and everything. He has the weirdest mood swings. So we came up with the name Trip. This cat is the most loving and needing cat I have ever had. He has to be around you at all times, if you don't pet him or give him your attention he will jump in your lap. This is the best lap cat to have, the only problem is that when he is laying inyour lap, he tends to bring out his claws while he is asleep. Everyone that has seen our cats, they tend to give their attention more to this one. But I know that Nana like Kicker. LOL. The one thing that I have learned about cats is that if you plan on getting one cat, you are better off getting two cats so that they can keep each other company. Kicker and Trip are brothers and that is why we got both of them. They still wash each other and sleep bnext to each other. The cool thing about these two boys is that they were born the day that Scot and I started dating.


Joy said...

Cool! See??? Isnt this blogging thing fun?? Good pictures!!

Anonymous said...

I am glad your on BOARD!! It is fun keeping up with everyone!