

Today after work I took my mom out to eat at "A Hearts Pizza". I had never heard of them until my mom mentioned it to me. This place is a sit down place where you order any kinda pizza you want. They have a menu that you can choose from but you also can make your own pizza. We just sat there and talked about what was going on in my life and so on. After we got done eating mom and I went to my brothers new house to see my kitties. I miss them, but I know that Scot is glad to get them out of his hair. After that Scot met me at my parents house and we watches RV. That is a really good movie to see. I recommend for anyone that likes to go camping to see this movie. Thats it for Friday.
This morning Scot woke me up at 8 a.m. to get ready for the "Old Timers Day". For breakfast we had the healthy McDonalds. LOL. Then we met up with Phillip, Heather, & Abby to go walk to booths that were set up. We split up. So Scot and I walked each and every booth there was. It was nice to just take your time and walk around. Scot and I learned a few interesting things during our walk. We eventually got a fresh squeezed lemonade. You can't get better then that. We finally decided that it was time to walk back to our car. We met up with the Walpers again, plus Mamaw and Papaw were there. Scot and I caught the end of the parade. I think that Scot and I had been walking for about four and a half hours so we were ready to go home take a nap and get something to eat. AfterI took a nap and Scot watching movies we went to Poohs house. For dinner we had pizza and for dessert we had home baked cookies. Make sure to ask Scot how many cookies he got that night. LOL. After that I went home and was ready for bed.
I had to do a few things this morning. Then I met up with Scot at the church. After church Charlie, Leslie, CJ, Scot and I went to eat at Logans. Today Scot and I got our marriage counseling. The four of us ended up talking for about 2 hours. It was a wonderful time. Charlie and Leslie thank you for the wonderful lunch. I enjoyed talking to both of you. Once we got done eating. Scot and I went back to Nana's and just relaxed. I fell asleep for a little while. After that Scot and I had to take care of some personal stuff. The reason that we were not at church last night was because Scot and I had to discuss some stuff that could not wait and we needed some time alone. I hope that everything is squared away. Scot and I have a new thing that we do. We play spades every evening. While playing cards we can just catch up with everything and just have a normal conversation. As of right now I am not sure who is a better player, me or Scot.LOL. Scot and I ended up talking till about 11 last night. It was a long conversation but we needed it. Then I finally went to bed. I guess that is about it.

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