
Hello guys, I hope that you had a great weekend and a wonderful Labor Day. And here we are back to work. Well my weekend was a long one, let me tell you. Saturday, Scot, Phillip and I opened up the yard sale at 6:30 a.m. Yup, that early. I am not sure what I was thinking. But I enjoyed the time that I spent with the two crazy dudes. Let me tell you, when you get around Scot and Phillip, you do not have to worry about being bored. They are great entertainment. We finally closed the yard sale around 4:00 p.m. I am not exactly sure how much we (Nana & Pa, Heather & Phillip, Scot & I) made from Wednesday to Saturday but I think that it was around $1,700.00. That is good money. After that Scot and I were busy with my family. I think that we got home that night around 11:oo that night.
Sunday we went to church, after that as we were leaving to go get something to eat before we went to see my grandmother for her birthday we saw Nicki walking from the church. Scot asked him where he was walking to and he told us "to his house". So the first thing that we thought was that his home was here somewhere in Smyrna. Scot asked him how far was his house and then he told us that he lived by the airport in Nashville. He had gotten up at 1 a.m. and started walking to the church. So Scot told him to get in the car and that we would take him home. As we took him home he told us a few things here and there. When we dropped him off he said thank you and walked to his friends house. It just amazed me how far he would walk for God. So I got to thinking, how many of us are willing to get up early early in the morning and walk that far to spend time wtih God? I don't think that there are many of us at all. So how far would you walk for God? That is something that you can think about. Once we got done with my family stuff Scot and went back to NaNa's and watched two DVD's that were about Latvia, when my parents went there and adopted us. Watching those videos brought back a lot of memories to me.
Monday Scot and I cleaned his room a little bit more, and spent time with Nana and Gracie. You can not ask for a better three day weekend then the one that I had.


Joy said...

i'm glad you enjoyed yourself. $1700 is a lot!! y'all did great!! i cant believe nicky walked that far and for that long. he walks everywhere he goes, but that was a long long walk. bless his heart. when he sets his mind to something, he usually does his best to accomplish it. he's somethin'.

have a good evening!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun weekend. Man that was a lot of $$$$. I was there for tad on Friday a.m. and i was hoppin- wish I had time to put some stuff out there