

Northfield wreck claims woman's lifeVictim killed at scene when car failed to make curve at HighlandStaff report
A Murfreesboro woman was killed in a one-car accident early Sunday morning when her vehicle ran off Northfield Boulevard and slammed into a power pole, police said.
Courtney Hunkapiller, 21, of 715 Imperial Court, Murfreesboro, died when her 1996 Honda Accord struck the pole, Murfreesboro Police Officer Keith Sanders reported. Hunkapiller was not wearing a safety belt during the accident, which occurred around 3:30 a.m.
The vehicle was traveling east on East Northfield Boulevard when it failed to negotiate a curve at the intersection of North Highland Avenue and left the roadway striking the pole, Officer Sanders reported. Rutherford County Emergency Services paramedics pronounced her dead at the scene.
Based on the damage to the vehicle at the crash scene, speed was probably a factor in the wreck, said Sgt. Sam Campbell, but he could not speculate about how fast the victim was driving.
"It just sounds like a normal ride that went really bad," Campbell said.
The victim may have been an MTSU student because she had a university ID and books in the car, but he had not confirmed with the university whether she was enrolled.
The air bag in Hunkapiller's vehicle was deployed, according to the report. It is not known whether alcohol was involved. Campbell requested an autopsy.
Originally published September 11, 2006
The reason that I put this in my blog is that this girl is one of my closest friends. I have known her since I was in Middle School. I had just talked to her a few days ago and we talked about getting together. She also had told me that she wanted to go to church with me on Wednesday nigth and get saved. I was looking forward to that. But now I lost her. Please just pray for her family and her older brother and her younger sister. I am still in shock. I also want to thank Scot for just letting me cry on him and holding me and telling me that everything is going to be O.K. I love you.


Joy said...

oh no!! I am SO sorry to hear this. That's awful!! I will pray for you and her family. :*(

Andrea~Erin said...

I am sorry to hear you lost a friend. I will pray for her family.

Inga said...

I just want to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. It still has not hit me that she is gone. I know that it will take time. I also know that I have someone that will always listen to me. I love you all.