
Happy Halloween


Yesterday, Scot and I went to Community Care to visit my grandpa and grandma. The Community Care was having kids come in and trick or treat in the rooms. So my grandma and grandpa got to pass out candy. It was really fun to see them interact with other kids. My grandma got tired around 7:15p.m. So I took her back to her room and got her in bed. I knew she was getting tired when I got there. The first thing that I told her was that if she gets tired to let me know so that I can take her back to her room. Well, grandma is one of those people that will try to stay up as late as she can. My brother was meeting us there so I think that grandma wanted to stay up till he got there. So that is what she did. Last night on our way back home I told Scot that I feel so blessed to have my grandmother still living and enjoying life. We met her for the first time when she was 90 years old. And ten years later she is till with us. God can do wonders.Well here are a few pics that I took last night. My brother also brought his lil pup with him. Her name is Ginger. She is a doll..

Grandma Bratcher, Brendan, & Grandpa Maier

Scot with Ginger

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I took this picture this morning from my boss' office. We have a couple of wild kittens running around. I have fed them a few times. But you can't get close to them at all. I just wish that they could find a warm place to be in. Instead of being in this really cold weather..



Stone Door in Monteagle, TN myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

This is my grandmother that I love dearly. I got to visit her yesterday. Everytime that I see her, I feel like I have done something well. I know that I don't see her as much as I should but I am going to change that. She deserves for me to be there and visit her. She just amazes me. Well yesterday my dad and my lovely sister took my grandmother to Stone Door in Monteagle, TN. Grandma wanted to see the leaves change colors. And smell the fresh cool breeze. She is someone that I admire and always will. I am lucky to have her here. It seems like anyone that meets her, she leaves something special in their hearts. I think that her favorite thing to do is to play Rummikub with her grandkids. Plus she also reads to the day care that they have at the nursing home. It looks like there is nothing that will stand in her way of doing what she enjoys. Grandma you are a very very special person in my life. Just knowing you and visiting you, I have realized how lucky I am to have you. Thank you for being so special to me. Can't wait to see you again. This time we can play some Rummikub. I LOVE YOU DEARLY...

Rummikub Time

This is my sister that I love very much as well. We are like day and night. Lizz, thank you for being such a wonderful sis to me. I know that you are always there when I am having a bad day. You can always make me laugh when I am sad. We have a lot of funny memories that I will never forget. I just want to let you know that I am always here for you. I hope to get together sometime real soon. Just let me know when you have a day off. Es milu tevi masa.

This is my lovely brother. I love him very very much. Brendan, thank you so much for taking care of my two kitties that miss very much. I know that they are enjoying your house to run around in. Thank you for being so patient with me as well. I could not ask for a better brother. I love you and you ROCK!!!!

Here is my grandmother who turned 100 in September. With her are my brother and sister. They are were getting ready to play some Rummikub. Scot and I went there last night to visit her and my grandfather as well. This picture was taken aroung 7:30 last night. My grandma loves this game. So she will stay up for about an hour and a half to play this game. Brendan and Lizz thank you so much for playing Rummikub with her last night. I know that it meanr alot to her. The next time that Scot and I are there we will play as well.



My work is having a huge sale upstairs in November. We are selling just about anything and everything that you can think of. What happens is, if there is a customer that does not pay his/her rent for a certain amount of time, then we get their stuff that they have stored in one of our units. This year there have been a lot of them and we don't have anymore room upstairs. So that is why we are having another sale. We usually only do it once a year. But we have way too much stuff. Basically this is like a yard sale inside. If you have any questions just leave me a comment and I can answer them for you. I just thought that you may be interested in it. Toni, this is a good place to look for stuff for the Christmas play. Or just let me know what you need and I can see if we have it.

In the cold...

This afternoon I went to Nana's for lunch. I got some stuff done around the house. I had some lunch and then it was time for me to return to work. On my way out to my car I saw Mamaw outside in the garden picking greens. That just made me think about how we are worried about being inside stayin warm. Yet, she was outside in the cold picking greens. I took some pictures of her. So I just wan to say thank you Mamaw for going outside in this cold to pick greens that I eat. I love you.

Who's SHIRT?


Card Time

Scot telling Nana, Pa, & Garrett how to play Egyptian, a card game.

Nana deals out the cards to Garrett, Pa, Scot, and herself for a game of Egyptian..
Nana, is telling Catherine something about having her hands close to the deck and that she slaps in too fast. LOL

I took Scots place while he got up and got something to drink. Now it is just Garrett and I in the game. Nana ran out of cards. Catherine won that game..

Second to last baseball game...


Rocky Roooad.....

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Last night I was not feeling that good but I was really craving some Rocky Road Ice Cream. So Scot told me that he was going downstairs to get a bowl of ice cream so I asked him if he could get me some. So he brought up my cup and his bowl of ice cream. I look at him like he was crazy for getting that much ice cream. I am not sure if Scot realizes how much ice cream he really eats. So I took a few pics of the size of bowl of ice cream he eats. The pink SMALL cup is mine. Which I know that the Wright family in is not surprised of and the HUGE white bowl is Scots. I just don't see how he can't get sick eating this much ice cream.

Catherine's SMALL bowl of Rocky Road

Scots OVER SIZED bowl of Ice Cream.


Got it..


Hey guys how are you? I am feeling under the weather. I was hoping that the bug would not get me but it did. So now I am sick. Yuck. This weeks weather is not making to any better. I know that at the end of the week it is supposed to get to like in the low 50's. Yesterday I spent all day in bed. When Scot got home from work, I decided to get out of bed and walk around. Nana made dinner. Phillip and Abby joined us for it. After that Scot went to Walgreens to get me some meds that would allow me to sleep better. I finally went to bed at 9p.m. But in the middle of the night the power went out and I could not sleep cause it was so hot. I am not sure what caused the power to go out. It was little after mid-night when it happened. But it finally came back on. So here I am at work today trying to do all that I can to stay here. I am still not feeling that well. I also found out the Charlie is not feeling well either. So please pray for everyone that is sick right now. I am hope that I get over this by this weekend. Well I guess that I going to let you guys go. Have a wonderful rest of the day.



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Friday, Scot and I went to Heather and Phillips to have dinner and hang out. That night Scot and Phillip went to see a 9:35p.m. movie while Heather and I just sat around the house and takled. I ended up leaving around 9:00p.m. I crawled into bed around 10p.m. Once I was asleep Scot calls me at 11:40 telling me that he is in the driveway and that I needed to unlock the door. So once he gets home we stay up and I listen to him telling me about the movie. It sounds like both of the guys had a lot of fun. Phillip, thank you for taking Scot to the movies and bringing him home. You ROCK so does your Chicken. LOL
Saturday, both of us layed in bed for a while. We had breakfast at Tee-Gee's.( I think that is how you spell it) After that we went to a gym to check out their prices on memberships. Scot, Phillip, my sis Lizz, and I are talking about going to work out three times a week. Then we went to Best Buy, Circuit City, and Electronic Express to look at a few things. After that we decided to go to Wal*Mart, and the sprint store in Murfreesboro. We finally got home at around 6p.m. I think that we had been running around for about 10 hours. It was just nice to take our time and look around. I enjoy each and every minute that I spend with Scot.
Sunday, we went to Mamaws and Papas church for a celebration. Papaw got a beautiful plaque and a card for their hard work that they had put into their church. The Wright family sang three beautiful songs, and then my honey sang a beautiful song as well. It was his third time to sing solo. After the service everyone gathered downstairs and had a wonderful lunch. After eating, I was ready for a nap. Scot and I went home and changed. We went to see granny for a little while to see how she was feeling. After that I went home and took a two hour nap. While Scot watched T.V. and played with his MP3 player. That night we went to church and listened to Charlie preach a great sermon. After that I was ready to go to bed. But Scot and I ran over to the Walpers house and visited for a little bit. I really enjoy being around them. I think that I finally laid my head down at 11p.m. That is about it.



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What a weekend. I am still tired. LOL
Friday Scot and I went to eat with Chad and Joy at Steak N' Shake. After that we walked to Party City to get some stuff for Garretts Birthday party. We all goofed off in there. I wish I had a camera for when Chad put on some HUGE plastic glasses on. He looked really funny. After that Scot and I ran into Wal*Mart and got a few things. At eight I had to meet up with Zonia to pick up Garretts SPECIAL birthday cake. Now let me tell you something. She did an incredible job on this cake. I could not have asked for a better one. Everyone that saw was amazed in how detailed she was in baking the cake. And I only paid $25 for it. What a GREAT deal.
When Scot and I got back from Wal*Mart Scot made his pudding pies for the chili supper. Scot and I finally crashed around 11p.m.
Saturday morning we got up at 6:30 a.m. I took a shower and was getting ready for Garretts party. It was pretty chili outside that morning. Scot and I got to the park @ 9a.m. and got it ready for the party. Everyone started showing up around 9:30a.m. While we were waiting on my parents to show up most of us got on the swings. It was a sight to see. Scot and Chad decide to push Emmy and Moo Moo on the swings. The Heather and Scot decided to get on the tire swing. Heather sat in it and Scot pushed it. I am not sure what I was thinking but I decided to do the same thing and have Scot spin me. Wow what a mistake. Once the swing stoped I could not get off of it because my head and body was still spinning. So I held on to Scot for a little while. It was fun though. It has been a very very long time since I have gotten on one of those things. Once my parents arrived, Garrett opened his gifts first then we had his cake. The one thing that Scot and I forgot was a knife for the cake. So Heather helped us out and gave us some floss to cut it with. It worked really well. Thanks Heather. After the party was done everyone went home to get ready for the chili supper.
Once Scot and I got back to Nana's we took in all the gifts and cleaned out my car. Garrett played with some of the things that he got. Then he and I went outside and kicked a soccerball for a while. That brought memories back to me when I played soccer. I would like to get back into playing again. Then it was time to head out to the chili supper. Scot and I thought that we got everything that we needed and headed out to Leanna Community Center. Once we got there I rememeber about the Rice Crispy Treats that I had made. I forgot to pick them up, so now we have Rice Crispy Treats that we can eat an NaNa's. The chili supper went wonderful. I think that we raised about $1900.00 and it may still be going up. That is awesome. Scot and I got home around 9:30p.m. Scot and I stayed up till it was time for Scot to get Phillip from the airport. His flight came in early so Scot left at 11p.m to pick him up. I was asleep by then.
Sunday morning Scot and I went to church, after that the whole family met up at the Walden Pumpkin Farm. Sunday was the perfect day to go. That place is awesome. You could pet and feed animals, get a face painting, plus really good food. The whole family went through a corn maze as well. Joy took some really good pictures. After that I was ready to go home and take a nap before church that night. Well that is what I did but no one woke me up to get ready for church. Scot came up to wake me up but it was after 6p.m. I think that he fell asleep on the couch. That is how my weekend went, it was really really really busy.



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He is 9 today.....


This past weekend was a good one. Lets see, on Friday Scot and I drove to Rockvale to pick up a power washer from my grandmothers house. On our way back we stoped and got some pizza and crazy bread. When we got to Nana's Scot ate and I went straight to bed. My head was hurting really bad. So the only that I had to eat that night was one bite of pizza.
Saturday Scot and I got up at 6 a.m. Then we met up with Mamaw. The three of us went Yard sale shopping all morning long. I enjoyed spending my time with Scot and Mamaw. Mamaw is amazing women. The yard sale was in my parents neighborhood. We drove the car to the houses that were selling things, but we also walked alot. So Scot and I kept asking Mamaw if she wanted to slow down or just stop. She said no. Let me tell you, nothing is going to stop her from going yars sale shopping. So there were many houses that were selling stuff. I think that we ended up looking around and buying a few things for about three hours. Heather, Phillip, and Abby met us there around 9:30 a.m. or so. When we got done with that Scot and I took Mamaw back home. Only if you knew how much stuff she bought for a great deal. Then Scot and I had to run to the bank and take care of some important things. Once we got done with that we went back to Nana's and I took a nap while Scot played x-box game. After that I can not rememer what we did. I think Scot and I ended up crashing around 8 or 9p.m.
Sunday Scot and I went to church. The church service was amazing. Uncle Fot was in charge of watching CJ. But that was no problem to him because CJ slept through the whole service. Once church was done. Larry, Toni, Joy, Scot, and I went to eat at a chinese restaurant. We just sat around chit-chated. (Phillip I looked for you before we went but I could not find you. And someone had also told me that you had gone home.) Once we got done eating. Toni, Joy, Scot and I went to visit Leslie to see how she was doing. Bless her heart, she is in so much pain. We told her if she needs anything just to let us know. After that Scot and I went back to Nanas. I ended up cleaning, while Scot, Nana, & Pa practiced. About 3:45 p.m. I decide to take back the pressure washer to my grandparents house. So I droped Scot off at the church so that he could practice with Larry. While I was driving there and back I knew that I may be running late but I wanted to make to church for the evening service. So I told God that please help me get back to church in time to hear the preacher. Well he did. He gave me every green light there was. Not once did I have to stop at a red light. That is how I knew that he heard me and let me get there in time. Well sunday evening service was another great service. But everyone got a treat that night. Scot sang a solo, with Larry's help. Let me tell you he sounds amazing. I have been asking to sing solo for the longest time but could not get him to do it. I am looking forward to hearing him sing more songs. I guess that is about it. I know that I tend to blog a little too much but I am at work doing nothing.
Well guys have a wonderful rest of the day.


This is for Scot

Or anyone else that likes to hunt...