
This past weekend was a good one. Lets see, on Friday Scot and I drove to Rockvale to pick up a power washer from my grandmothers house. On our way back we stoped and got some pizza and crazy bread. When we got to Nana's Scot ate and I went straight to bed. My head was hurting really bad. So the only that I had to eat that night was one bite of pizza.
Saturday Scot and I got up at 6 a.m. Then we met up with Mamaw. The three of us went Yard sale shopping all morning long. I enjoyed spending my time with Scot and Mamaw. Mamaw is amazing women. The yard sale was in my parents neighborhood. We drove the car to the houses that were selling things, but we also walked alot. So Scot and I kept asking Mamaw if she wanted to slow down or just stop. She said no. Let me tell you, nothing is going to stop her from going yars sale shopping. So there were many houses that were selling stuff. I think that we ended up looking around and buying a few things for about three hours. Heather, Phillip, and Abby met us there around 9:30 a.m. or so. When we got done with that Scot and I took Mamaw back home. Only if you knew how much stuff she bought for a great deal. Then Scot and I had to run to the bank and take care of some important things. Once we got done with that we went back to Nana's and I took a nap while Scot played x-box game. After that I can not rememer what we did. I think Scot and I ended up crashing around 8 or 9p.m.
Sunday Scot and I went to church. The church service was amazing. Uncle Fot was in charge of watching CJ. But that was no problem to him because CJ slept through the whole service. Once church was done. Larry, Toni, Joy, Scot, and I went to eat at a chinese restaurant. We just sat around chit-chated. (Phillip I looked for you before we went but I could not find you. And someone had also told me that you had gone home.) Once we got done eating. Toni, Joy, Scot and I went to visit Leslie to see how she was doing. Bless her heart, she is in so much pain. We told her if she needs anything just to let us know. After that Scot and I went back to Nanas. I ended up cleaning, while Scot, Nana, & Pa practiced. About 3:45 p.m. I decide to take back the pressure washer to my grandparents house. So I droped Scot off at the church so that he could practice with Larry. While I was driving there and back I knew that I may be running late but I wanted to make to church for the evening service. So I told God that please help me get back to church in time to hear the preacher. Well he did. He gave me every green light there was. Not once did I have to stop at a red light. That is how I knew that he heard me and let me get there in time. Well sunday evening service was another great service. But everyone got a treat that night. Scot sang a solo, with Larry's help. Let me tell you he sounds amazing. I have been asking to sing solo for the longest time but could not get him to do it. I am looking forward to hearing him sing more songs. I guess that is about it. I know that I tend to blog a little too much but I am at work doing nothing.
Well guys have a wonderful rest of the day.

1 comment:

Maroni said...

Scot did a good job on the song didn't he? I had fun eating after church.