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What a weekend. I am still tired. LOL
Friday Scot and I went to eat with Chad and Joy at Steak N' Shake. After that we walked to Party City to get some stuff for Garretts Birthday party. We all goofed off in there. I wish I had a camera for when Chad put on some HUGE plastic glasses on. He looked really funny. After that Scot and I ran into Wal*Mart and got a few things. At eight I had to meet up with Zonia to pick up Garretts SPECIAL birthday cake. Now let me tell you something. She did an incredible job on this cake. I could not have asked for a better one. Everyone that saw was amazed in how detailed she was in baking the cake. And I only paid $25 for it. What a GREAT deal.
When Scot and I got back from Wal*Mart Scot made his pudding pies for the chili supper. Scot and I finally crashed around 11p.m.
Saturday morning we got up at 6:30 a.m. I took a shower and was getting ready for Garretts party. It was pretty chili outside that morning. Scot and I got to the park @ 9a.m. and got it ready for the party. Everyone started showing up around 9:30a.m. While we were waiting on my parents to show up most of us got on the swings. It was a sight to see. Scot and Chad decide to push Emmy and Moo Moo on the swings. The Heather and Scot decided to get on the tire swing. Heather sat in it and Scot pushed it. I am not sure what I was thinking but I decided to do the same thing and have Scot spin me. Wow what a mistake. Once the swing stoped I could not get off of it because my head and body was still spinning. So I held on to Scot for a little while. It was fun though. It has been a very very long time since I have gotten on one of those things. Once my parents arrived, Garrett opened his gifts first then we had his cake. The one thing that Scot and I forgot was a knife for the cake. So Heather helped us out and gave us some floss to cut it with. It worked really well. Thanks Heather. After the party was done everyone went home to get ready for the chili supper.
Once Scot and I got back to Nana's we took in all the gifts and cleaned out my car. Garrett played with some of the things that he got. Then he and I went outside and kicked a soccerball for a while. That brought memories back to me when I played soccer. I would like to get back into playing again. Then it was time to head out to the chili supper. Scot and I thought that we got everything that we needed and headed out to Leanna Community Center. Once we got there I rememeber about the Rice Crispy Treats that I had made. I forgot to pick them up, so now we have Rice Crispy Treats that we can eat an NaNa's. The chili supper went wonderful. I think that we raised about $1900.00 and it may still be going up. That is awesome. Scot and I got home around 9:30p.m. Scot and I stayed up till it was time for Scot to get Phillip from the airport. His flight came in early so Scot left at 11p.m to pick him up. I was asleep by then.
Sunday morning Scot and I went to church, after that the whole family met up at the Walden Pumpkin Farm. Sunday was the perfect day to go. That place is awesome. You could pet and feed animals, get a face painting, plus really good food. The whole family went through a corn maze as well. Joy took some really good pictures. After that I was ready to go home and take a nap before church that night. Well that is what I did but no one woke me up to get ready for church. Scot came up to wake me up but it was after 6p.m. I think that he fell asleep on the couch. That is how my weekend went, it was really really really busy.

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