
Happy Halloween


Yesterday, Scot and I went to Community Care to visit my grandpa and grandma. The Community Care was having kids come in and trick or treat in the rooms. So my grandma and grandpa got to pass out candy. It was really fun to see them interact with other kids. My grandma got tired around 7:15p.m. So I took her back to her room and got her in bed. I knew she was getting tired when I got there. The first thing that I told her was that if she gets tired to let me know so that I can take her back to her room. Well, grandma is one of those people that will try to stay up as late as she can. My brother was meeting us there so I think that grandma wanted to stay up till he got there. So that is what she did. Last night on our way back home I told Scot that I feel so blessed to have my grandmother still living and enjoying life. We met her for the first time when she was 90 years old. And ten years later she is till with us. God can do wonders.Well here are a few pics that I took last night. My brother also brought his lil pup with him. Her name is Ginger. She is a doll..

Grandma Bratcher, Brendan, & Grandpa Maier

Scot with Ginger

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